This group of pages collected under the Monitoring section of the Load Balancer summary page allow the configuration and status of the servers in the Load Balancer cluster to be monitored by the Memset Server Monitoring system.

The Monitoring System monitors the virtual or public IP of the Load Balanced cluster as if it were a single server. It will not show the status of the individual server and/or services running on the servers behind the Load Balancer. If this is required then Advanced Monitoring should be ordered for each server.

Load Balancer Status Page

This page shows the result of the default ping monitoring and any custom monitoring rules that have been created for the cluster. The advanced monitoring options will only be available if "Advanced Self-monitored" is ordered for the cluster. If advanced monitoring has not been ordered then only the ping monitor will be enabled and shown.

Server Status

Should the status of the services on the servers be required then advanced monitoring will need to be ordered and configured for each individually.

Edit Advanced Monitoring Rules

This page is where additional monitoring rules can be created and modified for the load balanced cluster. The default ping monitor is always enabled and running by default.

Further information on Advanced Monitoring rules can be found in the Monitoring section of our Documentation.

Monitoring Settings

This page enables the server monitoring to be disabled and whether reminder emails are sent or not. The three options for monitoring are as follows:

  1. Enable Monitoring: – This is the default and the recommended setting. The virtual or public IP is being pinged and the contact email address notified should the cluster fail to respond.
  2. Disable Monitoring (Send reminder emails): - This setting will disable monitoring but emails will be sent every day reminding you that monitoring has been disabled. This option is generally used when monitoring is temporarily disabled during scheduled downtime. The reminder emails will ensure that the suspension of monitoring is not forgotten about.
  3. Disable Monitoring (Do not send reminder emails): - This setting is used when monitoring is permanently disabled.