Cyberduck is a free open source program for Mac OS X or Windows that incorporates several protocols, including FTP, SFTP, SCP, Openstack Open Storage (Swift) API, and many others.

Cyberduck can be used to transfer files to your Object Stoage's (Memstore) account via SFTP or Openstack Swift API - but the purpose of this tutorial is to describe the OpenStack Swift API interface. 

  • Open Cyberduck and click on the + button at the bottom of the main Cyberduck window to bring up the new server bookmark interface.
  • Select the "Swift (OpenStack Object Storage)" protocol from the drop down menu at the top of the window.
  • Give the connection a nickname, to allow you to easily identify it later as needed.
  • For the "Server" enter "" and leave the "port" as "443".
  • For the "Tenant ID: Access Key" enter your Access Username (as shown in your Memset Control Panel) for the User. (This is made up of your Object Storage Product Name, followed by a ":" followed by the username, e.g. for the product "mstesteaa1" and the user "demo" this would be "mstesteaa1:demo")
  • For the "Secret Key" enter the password for your selected user.
  • If you're not connecting to a particular container and are logging in as the admin user, you can leave the path field empty, otherwise you can specify the container in the path field prefixed by a forward slash (/). For example: "/myblog".

Uploading and Downloading Files

Now that you're connected, you can just drag and drop files into and out of your containers.