cPanel benefits greatly from storing less performance-hungry sites and backups on block storage.

The best way to do this is with bind mounts, as you will not have to dedicate the whole volume to a single mount point.

Our general recommendation is to do the following. These steps assume that:

  • Block storage is already mounted to /data. (As-per Managing your block storage volume on Linux).
  • Backups have completed for the day.

You will need to run through the below commands;

mkdir /home2 /data/home2 # create /home2 directory for storing accounts
mv /backup /data/backup # relocate the current backups to block storage
mkdir /backup # create a new backup directory to mount the block storage to

# create the mount commands, so the block storage is mounted at boot-time.
cat <<EOF >>/etc/fstab
/data/backup /backup none defaults,bind 0 0
/data/home2 /home2 none defaults,bind 0 0

mount -av # mount the new directories.

The last command should show similar output to the following;

/ 		: ignored
/tmp 		: ignored
/data 		: already mounted
/backup 	: successfully mounted
/home2 		: successfully mounted

The /backup mount will now start working and any future backups will now be created on the block storage, leaving your main drive free for your sites, applications and critical data.

Documentation for how to move existing accounts to /home2 on the block storage can be found on the cPanel Support site here;

New accounts can be created on /home2 if required, during the account creation process.