We provide a range of different Firewall Rule groups that can be adapted for your own uses, or are applied to your server by default when they are first provisioned, below is a list of all of the default Firewall Rule Groups available.

Rule Group NameDescription
Basic cPanelProvides access to Common Ports for use on cPanel Servers with the Basic Firewalling Level.
Basic LinuxProvides access to Common Ports for use on Linux based Servers with the Basic Firewalling Level.
Basic WindowsProvides access to Common Ports for use on Windows based Servers with the Basic Firewalling Level.
Managed cPanelProvides access to Common Ports for use on cPanel Servers with the Self Managed or Memset Managed Firewalling Level.
Managed LinuxProvides access to Common Ports for use on Linux based Servers with the Self Managed or Memset Managed Firewalling Level.
Managed WindowsProvides access to Common Ports for use on Windows based Servers with the Self Managed or Memset Managed Firewalling Level.
cPanel with Passive FTPA copy of the Managed cPanel Rule Group, with cPanel's default Passive FTP Ports added, for use on cPanel Servers.
No FirewallNo Firewalling is applied, access to any Port is possible.
Deny AllNo Inbound Traffic is allowed, except for ICMP (Ping) and Memset Monitoring and Support.
SSH OnlyNo Inbound Traffic for anything other than ICMP (Ping) and SSH (on TCP Port 22).
Managed DRACNo Inbound Traffic is allowed, except for ICMP (Ping) and Memset Monitoring and Support, for use with DRAC's (Dell Remote Access Cards).

These Rule Groups can be added to your own account and amended as required to create your own unique Firewall Rule Groups, for more information on this see "Creating a Rule Group".